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Unlocking employee engagement: Key insights from the State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report

Most employees are not engaged in their work. Discover 11 ways to boost employee engagement at your workplace.

Group of diverse employees smiling around a table.Group of diverse employees smiling around a table.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Understanding the current state of the global workplace is crucial for driving organizational success and maximizing employee potential. The recently released Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report provides valuable insights into employees' experiences, attitudes and aspirations worldwide.

Within this post, you’ll find:

  1. Key findings from the Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, shedding light on trends shaping the employee landscape and offering actionable strategies to enhance engagement and productivity.
  2. Ways to boost employee engagement at your workplace.

Most employees need to be more engaged.

According to the State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, most employees (approximately 59%) are not engaged in their work, and an additional 18% are actively disengaged. When employees disengage, organizations fail to tap into their full potential. However, there is room for optimism, as 23% of employees are engaged, marking the highest level since Gallup began measuring global engagement in 2009.

Unengaged employees benefit from proactive people development.

Among the unengaged employees, sometimes called "quiet quitters," untapped potential is waiting to be harnessed. These individuals may be physically present, but they need more enthusiasm and connection for optimal performance. By investing in people development, organizations can motivate these employees and transform them into valuable contributors.

Managers need training to learn new skills, stay engaged and motivate their employees.

Managers play a pivotal role in employee engagement, with 70% of team engagement attributed to managerial influence. However, many managers may be disengaged. Providing managers with the necessary tools and training to effectively lead and build great teams can significantly enhance engagement levels and create a positive work environment.

Employees need help reducing stress at work and in their personal lives.

44% of employees report experiencing a lot of stress daily. Stress can have detrimental effects on productivity and wellbeing. Organizations must focus on fostering supportive work cultures and providing opportunities for engagement.

Employee engagement can reduce employee stress.

Engagement impacts employee stress levels more considerably than physical work location. What matters is the level of involvement, enthusiasm and support employees experience daily. Leaders should foster engagement and create a positive work environment, regardless of where employees are situated.

11 ways to boost employee engagement at work:

HR and people leaders can take steps to create engaging work environments that foster productivity, satisfaction and the overall success of employees.

1. Foster a positive work culture.

People leaders should work to cultivate positive and inclusive work cultures that value employee wellbeing, growth and recognition. Initiatives that promote open communication, provide opportunities for employee feedback and celebrate achievements foster development, collaboration and engagement.

2. Prioritize employee development.

Offering opportunities for professional development and growth is crucial for engaging employees. HR and people leaders should consider implementing training programs, mentorship initiatives and career advancement pathways to empower employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Learning alongside peers can boost employee growth. Learn how.

3. Improve communication channels.

Establishing effective communication channels is essential for engagement. People leaders should encourage transparent and regular communication between employees and management, asking for information to flow freely and ensuring employees feel heard and informed.

4. Implement recognition and rewards programs.

Recognizing and appreciating employee contributions is a powerful driver of engagement. People leaders can design and implement recognition and rewards programs that acknowledge and celebrate employee achievements, fostering a sense of value and motivation.

5. Support work-life balance.

Encouraging work/life balance is crucial for employee wellbeing and engagement. Flexible work arrangements, regular breaks and resources for managing stress and maintaining a healthy work/life balance all support employee engagement.

6. Strengthen manager-employee relationships.

People leaders can support managers in becoming influential leaders and coaches. Providing training and resources for managers to enhance their communication, feedback and coaching skills can help create positive and supportive manager-employee relationships, a crucial driver of engagement.

7. Promote collaboration + teamwork.

Encouraging collaboration and teamwork can foster a sense of belonging and engagement. HR leaders can facilitate cross-functional projects and team building activities while creating platforms for knowledge-sharing and collaboration.

8. Provide opportunities for autonomy + growth.

Empowering employees with autonomy and opportunities to contribute to decision-making and problem-solving can boost engagement. HR leaders should work to create a culture that values employee ideas and encourages innovation, giving employees a sense of ownership and purpose.

9. Regularly measure + assess engagement.

HR leaders should implement mechanisms to measure and assess employee engagement regularly. Employee engagement can be measured through surveys, focus groups or other qualitative and quantitative feedback mechanisms. By gathering insights into employee satisfaction, concerns and needs, HR leaders can identify areas for improvement and tailor engagement initiatives accordingly.

10. Regularly evaluate + enhance engagement strategies.

It's vital for HR and people leaders to continuously evaluate the effectiveness of their employee engagement strategies and make adjustments as needed. By periodically reviewing and refining initiatives based on feedback and data, HR leaders can ensure that their efforts are aligned with the evolving needs and expectations of employees.

Boost employee growth through live learning

Employee engagement initiatives are worth the investment.

The Gallup State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report provides a comprehensive view of the challenges and opportunities faced by organizations in nurturing employee engagement. By understanding these critical insights, HR and people leaders can proactively improve engagement, unleash employee potential and drive organizational success. Investing in effective management practices, addressing stress and creating a culture of engagement are vital strategies for creating an exceptional workplace where employees thrive, resulting in increased productivity, satisfaction and long-term success.

Remember, employee engagement is not a luxury but a necessity for organizations seeking to stay competitive and resilient in today's rapidly evolving world. 

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