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How to lead through uncertainty

Dive into strategies that can help you foster resilience and adaptability among your teams.

A team of four is having a meeting going over graphs that represent the health of the company. Three are seated and one woman is standing giving a presentation.A team of four is having a meeting going over graphs that represent the health of the company. Three are seated and one woman is standing giving a presentation.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

How to lead through uncertainty

In times of uncertainty, the compass of an organization often falls into the hands of its People leaders.

As People leaders, you are uniquely positioned to steer your teams through uncharted waters. The challenge, however, is not just about leading — it's about empowering other organizational leaders and managers to navigate these times effectively.

Within this post, we delve into strategies that can help you foster resilience and adaptability among your teams.

Understand the emotional landscape.

Before diving into strategies, it's essential to acknowledge the emotional impact of uncertainty on your team.

Fear, anxiety and stress can cloud judgment and hinder effective decision-making. As a People leader, your first step is to create an environment where these emotions can be openly discussed.

Encourage leaders and managers to share their feelings and concerns and ensure they do the same with their teams. This openness fosters trust and lays the groundwork for collective resilience.

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Equip leaders with the right tools.

Training is pivotal in equipping leaders and managers with the skills to lead through uncertainty.

Consider developing or sourcing training programs focused on the following:

  • Adaptive leadership: Training in change management and adaptive leadership helps leaders understand the need to adjust their leadership styles based on the situation. Adaptive leadership emphasizes flexibility, learning from experience and being responsive rather than reactive.
  • Emotional intelligence: Leaders with high emotional intelligence can better manage their emotions and understand the feelings of others. Training in emotional intelligence can improve communication, conflict resolution and stress management.
  • Decision-making during uncertainty: Offer training that focuses on how to make informed decisions when not all variables are known. Decision-making for uncertain times includes evaluating risks, considering multiple scenarios and confidently making decisions, even when the path is unclear.
  • Crisis management: Training in crisis management prepares leaders to act swiftly and effectively in critical situations, ensuring they can maintain calm, make strategic decisions and communicate clearly under pressure.

Foster a culture of continuous learning.

Uncertainty can be a catalyst for growth and innovation.

Encourage leaders to adopt a continuous learning mindset for themselves and their teams. Continuous learning can be facilitated through team-based training sessions, individualized learning opportunities and informal workshops like book clubs or peer-led discussions. The goal is to create an environment where learning is valued and seen as a tool for navigating uncertainty.

Promote transparency and open communication.

Transparency is crucial during uncertain times. Leaders should be trained on how to communicate effectively, sharing what they know and don't know and how they are addressing the situation. Transparent communication includes regular updates and being open to feedback from teams. Training can help leaders develop these communication skills, ensuring clear, compassionate and constructive messages.

People leaders can help organizations thrive during uncertainty.

Leading through uncertainty is a significant challenge, but with the right strategies and training, People leaders can empower their organizations to navigate these periods with resilience and agility.

By understanding the emotional landscape, equipping leaders with the right tools, fostering a culture of continuous learning and promoting transparency, People leaders can guide their teams through any storm. The journey through uncertainty is not just about surviving — it's about thriving and emerging stronger on the other side.

Your team can thrive during uncertainty. Electives can help.

Your company's growth hinges on the strength of your managers. Equip them with the skills to lead with excellence, even in the face of uncertainty. All live, interactive and engaging, our Modern Manager Training program is meticulously designed to catalyze employee engagement and supercharge productivity across your teams.

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