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How managers can learn to develop their teams

Team development requires managers to foster growth, facilitate career development and ensure career progression alignment.

A young manager is writing on a transparent whiteboard as he teaches his team, who is sitting at a conference table behind him. We are looking through the transparent whiteboard at the man and his team.A young manager is writing on a transparent whiteboard as he teaches his team, who is sitting at a conference table behind him. We are looking through the transparent whiteboard at the man and his team.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Team development is a dynamic process that requires managers to foster growth, facilitate career development and ensure that career progression aligns with the employee's and the company's vision.

This guide delves into how managers can cultivate these essential skills, ensuring their team's growth and success.

Growth as a foundation

Growth can’t be just about scaling operations or increasing revenue. Effective managers know that growth also requires enhancing each team member's capabilities, skills and competencies.

Managers play a crucial role by identifying growth opportunities and providing the necessary resources and support. Encouraging a continuous learning and improvement culture ensures that the team remains adaptable and innovative, two indispensable qualities in today's fast-paced business environment.

Facilitating career development

Career development is a continuous journey of learning and growth.

Managers should actively engage in discussions with their team members about their career aspirations, strengths, weaknesses and areas of interest. Managers should then craft individual development plans that outline the steps needed for direct reports to achieve their career goals, including training programs, mentorship opportunities and stretch assignments.

By investing in their team's career development, managers boost morale and job satisfaction and build a more skilled and competent workforce.

Navigating career growth and progression

Career growth and progression involve moving forward through promotions, acquiring new skills or expanding one's role within the team.

Managers need to be transparent about the opportunities available and the criteria for advancement. Regular performance reviews, constructive feedback and recognition of achievements are essential to this process. Managers should also be open to job crafting, allowing employees to tailor their jobs to better fit their skills and interests, increasing engagement and productivity.

The strategic role of hiring in team development

Hiring can significantly impact team dynamics, skill sets and overall performance. Managers must look for candidates who possess the required technical skills and contribute to the team's culture. Bias-free hiring practices result in a more innovative team, bringing fresh perspectives and ideas. In addition, hiring from within can be a powerful motivator, showing the team that the company invests in and rewards its talent.

Managers are the architects of their team's growth and development. By focusing on growth, career development and growth, and strategic hiring, managers can build a high-performing, profoundly engaged and motivated team.

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