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15 book recommendations for people managers

Whether you are looking for resources on how to design a better employee experience, manage a team, or foster a positive workplace culture, here is a list of 15 great reads.

A woman sitting at a desk with piles of books in front of her and all around her. She is holding one book open and reading it. There is a bookshelf with more books behind her.A woman sitting at a desk with piles of books in front of her and all around her. She is holding one book open and reading it. There is a bookshelf with more books behind her.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Leaders and managers are continuing to learn how to balance fostering professional development opportunities, learning the newest industry trends, strategizing ways to promote inclusivity in the workplace and so much more.

So whether you are looking for resources on how to design a better employee experience, manage a team or foster a positive workplace culture, here is a list of 15 great reads:

Books for people managers who want to improve workplace culture:

1. People strategy: How to invest in people and make culture a competitive advantage by Jack Altman

This book provides a framework that will result in increasing employee motivation, developing high-performing teams and building an effective and positive company culture. Jack Altman, CEO of Lattice, wrote this for executives, managers and HR professionals who have an interest in workplace culture and the employee experience.

2. Bring your human to work: 10 surefire ways to design a workplace that is dood for people, great for business and just might change the world by Erica Keswin

When employees are able to be their true selves in the workplace, it results in authentic relationships being formed, healthier work environments and even more successful companies. Erica Keswin shares 10 tangible ways to improve the employee experience and to develop a more human workplace.

3. Cubed: The secret history of the workplace by Nikil Saval

Named a New York Times Notable Book, Nikil Saval unpacks the history and evolution of the office and how it came to be. If you want to get a deeper understanding of why we work the way we do, this is the book for you.

4. Why work sucks and how to fix it: The results-only revolution by Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson

Anyone feeling like it’s been more difficult to get up and tackle your to-do list at work? Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson wrote this book to help you feel more passionate about the work you are doing so you can drive better results.

5. People operations: Automate HR, design a great employee experience and unleash your workforce by Jay Fulcher

People ops leaders and managers face the challenge of handling a lot of “paperwork” or HR administrative tasks. For those who are looking to automate tasks so they can focus on employee development and workplace culture, this is the book to read.

6. The healthy workplace by Leigh Stringer

This is a great book about fostering healthy work habits and practices with an emphasis on employee wellness. When employees are thriving and healthy, it results in increased productivity, revenue, and employee retention.

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Books for people managers who think about team dynamics:

7. Love ‘em or lose ‘em: Getting good people to stay by Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evans

Employees want to be recognized for their efforts and seek opportunities to learn and grow in the workplace. This book is a read for leaders and managers who want to focus on employee engagement and retention.

8. Generation Z: A century in the making by Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace

Generation Z has been receiving news coverage more than any other in history. Now that they are beginning to enter the workforce, this book is for current and aspiring managers who want to better understand them so that they can become the future leaders of tomorrow.

9. The culture code: The secrets of highly successful groups by Daniel Coyle

Daniel Coyle dives into some of the world’s most successful organizations, sharing why they are able to build trust, trigger learning and drive positive results and impact. This New York Times best-seller will teach you how to transform silos into teams so they can accomplish anything, together.

10. Play it away: A workaholic’s cure for anxiety by Charlie Hoehn

This is a great read for anyone who struggles with anxiety. It’s a relatable resource to help you reduce your stress so that you can be more present in the moment, increase your productivity and enjoy life.

Books for people managers who want to be better leaders:

11. Leaders eat last: Why some teams pull together and others don’t by Simon Sinek

The best workplaces foster trust and collaboration amongst employees because their leaders build a “culture of trust” or a “circle of safety,” according to Simon Sinek. For leaders and managers who want to build authentic relationships with their employees, this book is a great read with stories that range from big business and military to investment banking and government.

12. HR from the outside in: 6 competencies for the future of human resources by Dave Ulrich, Jon Younger, Wayne Brockbank, and Mike Ulrich

This book is a perfect resource for any executive or manager who is looking to foster their professional development or learn more about human resources as a business unit. For example, they dive into the importance of a “HR business partner” and how that has changed the HR world forever.

13. Work rules! Insights from inside Google that will transform how you live and lead by Laszlo Bock

Laszlo Bock, former head of people operations at Google, shares insights on how to hire people who are smarter than you, use data to shape a company’s future and create a company culture where anyone will want to work and thrive. This book is written for executives, managers and leaders.

14. Go to help: 31 strategies to offer, ask for and accept help by Deb Grayson Riegel and Sophie Riegel

Are you feeling overwhelmed and tired of doing everything on your own? Do you feel like you struggle to tell someone how they can give you the help you need? Have you struggled to say yes to accepting help because you fear judgment? This book offers tips and tricks to get better at offering help, asking for and accepting help.

15. Professional troublemaker by Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Luvvie Ajayi Jones, a New York Times best-selling author, captures ways to tackle fear and step into life and work authentically. With lots of wit, warmth and laughter, she invites you in to challenge yourself to not be afraid to ask for what you want and use your voice for a greater good.

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