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9 ways managers can support employee growth + development

Managers are vital in encouraging employees to prioritize their growth. Here are some effective strategies to help boost learning.

A young woman is working at her laptop on her desk, smiling and looking at her phone.A young woman is working at her laptop on her desk, smiling and looking at her phone.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Continuous learning and development are crucial for personal and organizational success. Managers are vital in encouraging employees to prioritize their growth. Here are some effective strategies to help boost learning in your organization:

1. Lead by example

Leading by example is one of the most powerful ways to inspire a team. When employees see their managers actively engaging in learning, they are more likely to follow suit. Encourage your managers to share their experiences, attend training sessions and stay updated with industry trends. When managers demonstrate their commitment to personal growth, it sets a strong precedent for the broader team.

2. Encourage a growth mindset

Fostering a growth mindset can transform how employees view challenges and opportunities. Managers should demonstrate that they see failures as learning experiences rather than setbacks. Promote a culture where continuous improvement is valued and taking risks is seen as a part of the learning process.

3. Allocate time for learning

Ensure all employees have dedicated time for learning and development. Help managers plan scheduled training sessions, dedicated learning days or flexible work hours that allow time for personal growth. By prioritizing learning time, managers demonstrate its importance and encourage employees to take their development seriously.

4. Set clear development goals

Help your employees set clear, achievable development goals. Ask your managers to work with them to identify areas where they want to grow and create plans to reach those objectives. Managers should regularly review these goals with their teams and provide feedback and support to keep them on track. Clear goals give employees a sense of direction and purpose in their learning journey.

5. Offer personalized development plans

Each employee has unique learning needs and preferences. Managers should offer personalized development plans that cater to individual strengths and areas for improvement. Tailoring learning experiences to each employee helps them feel valued and helps ensure their growth aligns with their career aspirations.

6. Provide access to learning resources

Managers should work to get their employees access to a variety of learning resources, such as learning platforms, conferences and books. Offering diverse options allows employees to choose the learning methods that work best for them.

7. Create a supportive environment

A supportive work environment is essential for fostering learning and development. Managers should encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members. Providing a safe space for employees to ask questions and seek guidance helps build a culture of continuous learning.

8. Recognize and reward learning efforts

Acknowledging and rewarding employee efforts in learning and development can significantly boost their motivation. Managers should recognize achievements through public acknowledgment, awards, perks or promotions. When managers celebrate progress, they make it clear that commitment to growth is valued, encouraging others to do the same.

9. Solicit feedback and adapt

Managers should regularly seek employee feedback on learning, development and growth opportunities, including employee ability to make time for them. Use this feedback to improve your organization’s programs and continuously address any gaps. Adapting to your team's needs ensures that your learning initiatives remain relevant and practical.

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