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7 hybrid working tips for immediate + long-term impact

Make your hybrid work environment a success by focusing on strategies that enhance communication, flexibility and employee engagement.

A diverse group of people sit around a conference table, listening to a colleague on a video conference.A diverse group of people sit around a conference table, listening to a colleague on a video conference.

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Insights from Ellen Raim, Founder of People MatterWe focus more on solving than preventing People problems.

Adapting to the hybrid working model presents unique challenges and opportunities for leaders and individual contributors alike. This guide offers practical tips to navigate hybrid work dynamics effectively.

Embracing hybrid work in your organization

To thrive in a hybrid work environment, focusing on strategies that enhance communication, flexibility and employee engagement is essential. Here's how to make hybrid working a success in your organization.

1. Establish clear communication channels.

In a hybrid work environment, maintaining open and consistent communication is crucial. 

Encourage digital communication tools and set clear guidelines for their use. Regular team meetings and one-on-one check-ins help keep everyone aligned and informed.

Here are 10 ways to help remote team members communicate better

2. Promote a flexible work culture.

Flexibility is critical in hybrid working.

Understand that employees may have different needs and preferences. Offer flexible hours and the option to work remotely or from the office as needed. This approach respects individual work styles and promotes work/life balance.

3. Foster team collaboration.

Hybrid work can sometimes lead to a divide between remote and in-office employees. 

Implement strategies foster team collaboration and ensure all team members feel included and valued. Virtual team-building activities and collaborative project tools can bridge the physical gap.

Here are 6 ways to foster collaboration across remote workforces

4. Prioritize employee wellbeing.

The wellbeing of your team is paramount.

Provide education, resources and support for mental health, such as counseling services or wellness programs. Regularly check in with employees to understand their challenges and offer support.

Here's how to make the business case for mental health education in your organization

5. Invest in the right technology.

The right technology can make a significant difference in a hybrid work setup.

Invest in reliable communication and collaboration tools. Ensure all team members can access the necessary hardware and software to perform their roles effectively.

6. Offer continuous learning opportunities

In a hybrid working model, continuous learning and development are vital.

Provide online training sessions, workshops and professional development courses to help employees grow and adapt to new working methods.

7. Evaluate and adapt your strategies

Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your hybrid working strategies.

Seek feedback from your team and be willing to make adjustments. Continuous improvement will help you create a more effective and enjoyable work environment.

Reflecting on your hybrid work implementation

It's important to reflect on the implementation of your hybrid work strategies. Assessing their impact on your organization's culture, productivity and employee satisfaction is crucial for ongoing success.

These hybrid working tips aim to create a balanced, productive and inclusive work environment. By focusing on communication, flexibility, collaboration, wellbeing, technology, learning opportunities and continuous improvement, you can successfully lead your team in this evolving work landscape.

Create your high-performance hybrid culture.

Welcome to the new era of team development — where shared ideas and language lift engagement, connections and productivity to new heights.

With programs like our High-Performance Culture Training, we’re bringing modern L&D within your reach.

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